This series, we are committed to being more green and reducing our carbon footprint. Please take a little time to read about our plans below and do share any of your own ideas with us.
Image copyright: CorkBeo
The Green Production Guide has a series of sustainable production memos for Producers and/or Sustainable Production Representatives (SPRs) to send during different timeframes of the production.
This site sets out the framework for environmental reporting for the arts, screen and creative sector in Scotland. In being based on the most recent technical research and legislation, as the technical research and legislation develop, this framework will develop as well.
A key pillar of Fáilte Ireland’s Operational plan is “Driving Climate Action” and the festival divisional activity under this pillar is to
facilitate access and commitment of Fáilte Ireland supported festivals to the sustainability programme. An important element of this
project is the creation of Sustainable Festivals Guidelines.
The Green Mobility Guide offers practical recommendations for professionals across the performing arts, gives case studies and resources, and includes the Julie’s Bicycle ‘IG tool’ for tracking carbon emissions while on tour.
GreenStart is a grant for a training/consultancy/advisory project of up to 7 days carried out by an external Green Service Provider directly with an eligible business. The aim of the project is to improve the environmental performance of the business thereby increasing the agility and resilience of clients to climate change impacts. The grant is intended for businesses unfamiliar with or lacking sufficient capability in environmental improvement methodologies.
The film production industry requires systemic change to become sustainable. This report sets out a route map to achieve this goal. This report has been produced as a collaboration between albert, the BFI and Arup between November 2019 and July 2020.
As part of the BFI Sustainable Screen Programme funded by the National Lottery, Julie’s Bicycle delivered a Climate Literacy webinar for anyone working in the screen sector. It focused on those involved in activity ‘beyond production’ – from cinemas, festivals and screen archives, to education and skills development, sector support and promotion.
Understanding and recording your energy use is the first step to reducing energy consumption in your building. Knowing how to read your meters and how to understand your bills will help you to see how your activities affect your energy use.
This guide aims to help you to understand how much energy your organisation is using to light and heat your building and offices and which fuels produce the highest carbon emissions.
Music Declares Emergency was created by music industry
professionals and artists in 2019 to place music at the heart
of the conversation and action in relation to the climate and
ecological emergency.